Nestled along the picturesque shoreline of Laguna Beach, a historic 1930s home designed by renowned architect Garett van Pelt underwent a stunning transformation. Spearheading the redesign was Cantoni designer Danna Mao, who drew on her expertise and creative vision to reimagine this 5,000-square-foot coastal retreat. But the beauty of this renovation lies not just in the finished product but in the thoughtful design process that made it all possible.
For Danna, the home’s potential was clear from the start. The combination of light wood, white walls, and timeless architectural details provided the perfect canvas to create something extraordinary. “The airy and bright interiors immediately captivated me,” Danna shared. “And, of course, the ocean–there’s no greater design inspiration than the sparkling Pacific views just outside the window.”
The journey began with conceptual renderings that allowed Danna and her client, real estate developer Bobby Dadvar, to visualize the home’s transformation. Together, they spent countless hours in Cantoni’s Irvine showroom selecting furniture that would complement the space’s natural light and understated charm. Bobby, a long-time collaborator of Danna’s, brought a clear vision to the project. Their shared aesthetic and mutual respect made the decision-making process seamless, ensuring that every piece of furniture felt intentional and cohesive.
Danna’s design philosophy was at the heart of every choice: “When I walk into a space, it should make me feel good–calm and excited at the same time. I want the space to bring me joy each time I re-enter it.” This guiding principle influenced everything from the subdued color palette to the carefully chosen textures and materials. Light woods, soft neutrals, and rich fabrics were layered to create a tranquil yet sophisticated ambiance.
The furniture selections were only the beginning. For Danna, the real magic came in the final stages of the project: accessorizing. Rugs, pillows, accent pieces, and art were meticulously chosen to bring depth and personality to the space “It’s the details that tie it all together,” Danna explained. “After the furniture is in place, the accessories are what truly make the design sing.”
Danna’s inspiration extended beyond the home’s walls. Visits to the local farmers’ markets, observing how others channel creativity into their crafts, and soaking up the vibrant colors of Laguna’s sunsets all informed her process. “I believe it’s important to continuously learn and adapt,” Danna said. “That’s how I improve and push my creativity further.”
Throughout the renovation, Danna worked closely with builder Brian Webb to ensure that every detail–from the open, flowing interiors to the breathtaking outdoor spaces–reflected the home’s coastal surroundings. The tiered patio, with its sweeping ocean views, became a space as thoughtfully designed as the interiors, perfect for everything from tranquil sunrises to lively evening gatherings.
“In the future, I see myself continuing to help my clients one project at a time,” Danna reflected. “I hope to make their dream spaces come true, and I’ll be there every step of the way.”
This Laguna Beach home is more than a testament to beautiful design–it’s a celebration of collaboration, vision, and the behind-the-scenes artistry that brings a dream to life. For a more in-depth view of the finished product, check out our article on the project itself.